Yunlong Guo bio photo





School, Social and Work Experience

School Experience

  • Apr. 2022 - Jun. 2023:Member of the Public Relations Department of the Graduate Student Union, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Jul. 2019 - Jun. 2021: Deputy Student Secretary of the RuiXin Academy Committee, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Sep. 2018 - present: Senior Member of the Piano Group, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2019: Member of the General Office of the Student Union, Beijing Institute of Technology

Social Work Experience & Volunteer Experience

  • Mar. 2023: Volunteer for the 13th ‘Challenge Cup’ Chinese College Student Business Plan Competition
  • Feb. 2022:Excellent City Volunteer for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
  • Sep. 2020: Volunteer for the 80th Anniversary Celebration Evening of Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Aug. 2020:Project Member of the Fangshan Summer Teaching Group from Beijing Institute of Technology

Work Experience

  • Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021: Summer Intern for Power Artificial Intelligence Platform Optimization, Beijing State Grid ICT Accenture Information Technology Co., Ltd.

    Optimize “Two libraries and one platform” and realize two-level through deployment

  • Oct. 2021 - Nov. 2021: Intern at the Comprehensive Service Department of the Training and Talent Service Center, China Association for Science and Technology